Wake Up With An Unreal Behind The Back Double Play By Asdrubal Cabrera

This is one of the prettiest plays I've ever seen in my life. Omar Vizquel lines one back up the middle and the pitcher almost stabs it out of the air. Shortstop for the Indians, Asdrubal Cabrera was headed towards second base to field the ball if it wasn't touched, but the ball gets redirected back towards short. Cabrera stops, grabs the ball with his barehand while on his knees, and ends up flipping the ball behind his back to second to get the first out. That's an incredible play in itself right there.
The fact that he tossed a perfect throw to second should be a top 10 play by itself.  The fact that they were able to complete the double play and double up the speedy Vizquel is another thing. I know it's later in his career, but man that is a tough play.
The fact that this play was so bang-bang-bang made it so pretty. Just a perfect play all around. If the pitcher lets it go up the middle we get a boring routine double play, but not with the ass man. This looks like a play that someone would make while dicking around during warmups or practice, not something you expect to do in a game. Hell of a play by Assy.