Two Gay Penguins Were Given A Baby And I'm Crying At Work Right Now

ReutersTwo male penguins who built a nest together from ice pebbles at Sydney’s Sea Life Aquarium are now fostering an egg given them by aquarium staff who suspected they were more than friends.

The penguins, Magic and Sphen, formed a bond ahead of the 2018 breeding season, before starting to collect the pebbles, state-backed broadcaster ABC said.

Sea Life staff then gave the pair a dummy egg, and after having shown strong nurturing skills the pair of Gentoo penguins were given a real one to look after, it said in a report.

I’m legitimately fucking crying in the club right now. I don’t know why this is hitting me so hard, but this is probably the most heart-warming story I have ever read in my life. The penguins are in love, they started building a nest, they were given a fake egg to see if they would nurture it, and they did, so they were given a REAL EGG. They have a baby! They’re parents! I’m sitting here reading this story with my hand over my mouth because it’s so fucking cute.

I definitely have some issues with zoos and aquariums– animals in captivity generally bum me out. However, I have to admit that this is 100% good and pure and wouldn’t be possible in the wild, so for once an aquarium has done something very right. I’m the Sydney Sea Life Aquarium’s biggest fan at this point just for enabling this cute family’s existence. The only downside is that the baby penguin’s name is Sphengic, a combination of Sphen and Magic. Yikes. Otherwise, 10/10 heartwarming story.