Should We Hire This Guy From Buffalo Who Goes To Every Game Naked?

When this clip aired on the Panera presented College Football Show, Dave’s immediate response was that he had to hire this guy. He’s a Renaissance man in the truest dense of the word; a multi-faceted musician, a progressive, body-positive nudist, a verbose orator and a leader of men.

We should be sending this guy from stadium to stadium, tailgate to tailgate, gin bucket to gin bucket. He’s a legend and should be treated as such.

And while we’re at it, how about some love for Buffalo’s 6’7 beast of a quarterback Tyree Jackson. I’m pretty sure we’re the first media outlet to touch base with this rocket-armed future first round pick, which just shows how big we’re doing it; investigative reporting where we uncover the fatman behind Buffalo’s success while simultaneously being the first to report on a future NFL superstar.