Hue Jackson Keeps Promising Week After Week To Get Nick Chubb More Carries And Then Proceeds To Forget To Do It During The Game

There’s are three separate quotes from three different weeks that Browns head coach Hue Jackson has said about his running back Nick Chubb.

Coach Hue Jackson has promised that Chubb will get more opportunities this week, and Jackson likely didn’t have to watch the film before coming to that conclusion.

“We need to get more,” said Jackson. “There’s nothing else to say. We need to get him more chances, but sometimes the game changes, you get behind and you need Duke Johnson out there because that’s what he does well – catch the ball and run it. That’s what you were seeing yesterday. As these games get a little closer, they do not get too far away and we can get up whatever that is, we do need to give Nick Chubb more carries.”

Nick Chubb put his name on the map after his two touchdowns in Oakland back in September. Since that point Hue Jackson has reiterated to the media that Nick Chubb needs the ball more. What’s the old saying? It’s the thought that counts? Chubb has actually gotten the ball the exact same number of times over the last three weeks (3).

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Could this be Hue’s master plan? Tricking opposing defenses into game-planning for Duke Johnson and Carlos Hyde.

Or could Hue just be brainless and forget his own thoughts when it counts most? Hmmm, tough one to decide.

Tune in this week to see if the Bucs fall for Hue’s trickery on Sunday.