Dez Bryant Is Clamoring To Rejoin The Cowboys

Look, I don’t like Dez Bryant. I think he dug his own grave by being so dramatic, so egomaniacal, and dropping too many balls that teams realized his juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Think about how bad your character and reputation must be to not even get a nibble from an NFL team. The NFL was willing to give guys like Marcus Vick and Greg Hardy all the chances in the world, but they have grown tired of Dez’s bullshit. The Browns said no thanks. The Redskins signed Brian Quick instead of him. The Patriots who have brought in “low character guys” in the past barely even gave him a look. And that leave the Cowboys. One of, if not THE worst WR corp in the league. Dak with no downfield threat. And Dez wants back in.

So the question is…does Jerry Jones swallow his pride?

What do you do if you’re Jerry Jones? Do you bring back your old pal Dez? Look, there’s no denying he’s be an instant upgrade to the team. But at what cost? Their pride? The locker room? Can you really sign a guy who called you clueless, or at the end of the day is it all business?

Dez can go on and on on Twitter about how he’s changed and ready to play, but a tiger doesn’t change his stripes. There’s no chance he is reformed. There’s no chance he will work out in Dallas. And most importantly, what happens the first time he throws a sideline temper tantrum right in Dak’s face because Dak won’t look more than 15 yards down the field? I’m very here for it, but if I’m the Cowboys, there’s no chance I bring him back.