Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher



Puerto Rico - A TEACHER in Puerto Rico has been sentenced to 10 years in prison after taking a 14-year-old boy to her hotel room and having sex with him.

Yaira Tanies Cotto-Flores, 26, gave the boy a watch and acne cream before engaging in sexual activity with him.

The teen told a San Juan court that Flores even bought condoms and taught him how to use one, and told police it was his first time.

The teacher sent nude photos to the boy, who then shared them with his friends. …

Cotto-Flores was handed a 10-year prison sentence, as well as eight years of supervised release.

Federal prosecutor Rosa Emilia Rodriguez Velez said the teacher plied the boy with presents and perks to win his trust. … The incident happened at the beginning of March 2016, after the teacher met the boy for a meal.

The now 16-year-old victim was even allowed to skip classes when he wanted, Toronto Sun reported.

With so much negativity going on around us, so much vitriol and divisiveness, with everything so polarized and emotionally charged, it’s sort of comforting to know that there are still some institutions we can count on.

The country may be divided. Social media is divided. Washington is divided. But Sex Scandal Teachers are a constant. They bridge the political gaps. Cross oceans. Stretch from one end of this struggling nation to the other. From East Coast to West, North to South, from Alaska to Hawaii to Puerto Rico. Wherever we are as a nation, we can still always count on insane professional female educators risking lengthy jail sentences in their pursuit of sloppy and unsatisfying sex with their illegal teenage students. If feel like we needed Yaira Tanies Cotto-Flores today more than ever.

 The Grades:
Looks: I don’t often do this, but I’m doing it today. Without hesitation and with a clear conscience. Because muy caliente.
Grade: A

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: This is the kind of SST fact pattern that renews your hope in deranged adult women seducing high schoolers. Unlike Jennifer Olajire-Aro who blackmailed an A+ student by threatening him with a B to get him to have sex with her, Cotto-Flores is all about the positivity that comes from nude photos, presents and perks and treatments to clear up his zits. And even taught the lad the importance of safe sex. Plus we’ve got a conviction, so there is no doubt.
Grade: A

Intangibles: I like Yaira enough that not only is she all but a lock to make it on the year-end All Star team, if we met I’d let her address me by the informal tu, instead of the formal usted.
Grade: A

Overall: A. Si. Would.

Do you have someone you want to see graded? Tweet her to me @jerrythornton1 or email me at Your service to the betterment of mankind will be its own reward.