Kid Gets His Head Cut Out Of A Massage Chair With A Chainsaw

Source - Firefighters in Jinhua, China, were forced to use an electric saw to cut a massage table apart to free a 10-year-old child. The youngster reportedly had stuck his head in the tle out of curiosity and was unable to free himself. Fortunately, he escaped the incident without injury.

I don’t know how desperate of a situation this was, but using a chainsaw to free someone’s head seems like a bad idea. One slip and that kid gets split like a hot dog. And aren’t there buckets of lube laying around massage parlors?  Couldn’t they just have doused his little Chinese head in oil and yanked him out of there? Maybe they tried to, but he looked pretty dry when they started cutting.

Regardless, they were wayyyyy too casual about the whole thing. It was like watching the DPW change a trash bag; five guys standing around and one actually working. Credit to whoever decided to insert the protective cardboard, but still, seems like this should’ve been an all hands on deck type situation.

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Poor fella’s going to be traumatized for life. Every time he sees a massage parlor or a chainsaw his dick’s going to crawl inside his body. Oh well, at least he learned his lesson. Chances are he’ll avoid  curiously sticking his head into holes until he hits puberty then all bets are off. Hopefully the Chinese can figure out this jaws of life situation before this happens again. Glad he’s okay!