Daz Dillinger To Kanye West: "Your Wife Sucked The Whole Industry"

Ohhhhhhhh come on, Daz. That was mean. That whole thing was mean and unnecessary. I’ll be the first one to tell you that Kanye shouldn’t get all sensitive about people talking about having sex with his wife. We talked about it last week when Kanye was walking around Chicago addressing Drake and Nick Cannon but that was just mean spirited. The only people who are allowed to talk about having sex with Kim Kardashian are the people who have actually had sex with Kim Kardashian. We can’t have random rappers like Daz Dillinger coming outta nowhere saying Kim K has sucked the whole industry. Does that mean Daz isn’t part of the industry? Because there’s no way in hell Kim K sucked off Daz. She might’ve sucked a lot of dicks over the years but I guarantee Daz’s dick wasn’t done of them.

I do appreciate Daz not even acting like he didn’t say that shit just to promote his new song that’s coming out. That’s just good marketing in 2018 or any year really. Pick out the biggest and most popular guy in the room and say his significant other sucked a bunch of dick. So Daz went on Instagram and said Kanye West’s wife sucked every dick in the industry. Everybody has bills to pay. Daz is enough of a name where that’s gonna grab some headlines. I bet Kanye won’t respond to Daz because he’s Kanye and Daz is Daz but Daz’s song might get a couple more streams.