Emilia Clarke Got A Tattoo Of Her Dragons And I'm Fully Ready For Game Of Thrones To Be Back

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My heart is so full right now. I’m a little surprised I like that tattoo because trashy girls I went to high school with have very similar tattoos of their three kids by the age 26 but this is different. I love Khaleesi and her dragons. You know a show is awesome when the actors on the show are getting tattoos connected to their character. You don’t see Bryan Cranston getting a Blue Sky tattoo or anything. Game of Thrones is just different.

With that said, I’m fully ready for Game of Thrones to be back in our lives. I know everybody feels that way but it’s honestly been 5 years since the show was on. We were all completely different people back when we saw the dragon become an ice dragon. I’m ready to not remember who 93% of the characters are. I’m ready for gore one second and boobs the next. I’m ready for incest. I’m ready for it all. And the fucked up thing? We still have 6 months to go before the show comes back. It’s crazy. Stay alive, people. Eat your vegetables and maybe go for a walk. Look both ways before you cross the street and then look again. It is your duty to stay alive until you see the finale of Game of Thrones. It’d be a sad tale to die before seeing the conclusion. We’ve invested 7 years into this thing. Stay alive out there.