It's Usually Around This Time That Teammates Start Fighting Each Other

Training camp and preseason is always a pretty interesting time around the NHL because you have so many people going for so few jobs. There are only 23 roster spots open for an NHL team so think about it this way–there are 7 rounds in the NHL draft. So if you keep all of your picks, after just 3 years you’ll already have more players in your organization than active game day roster spots available. So when you’ve got 30 different guys all trying out for maybe 4 or 5 open spots, things are gonna get a little testy. Guys are busting their ass out there, there is a ton on the line and tensions get high. And that right there is when you see teammates start to fight each other. It doesn’t matter that they technically work for the same company. Sometimes the tensions just get so high that before you know it, fists are flying. But that’s the beauty of actually fighting. Once the fight is over, both guys can just move on from the altercation with a mutual respect for one another. You fight, you make up, and it’s back to one team one goal. Sometimes teammates fighting can actually be just the thing the team needs at the time.

It’s a metaphor, you guys.
