I Went To MB Ice Arena To Scout The Blackhawks Today And This Is What I Saw

Welcome back to everyone who read my blog about Jokiharju from this morning. And if you didn’t read that blog, please exit out of this blog, click that one, and then re-click and read this. Pageviews aren’t going to click themselves.

I had some free time during the day, and I decided to pop my head in and watch the Blackhawks scrimmage. Good ole Red vs White action. Now, MB Ice Arena has an area for the media. It’s enclosed. It’s temperature controlled. They have snacks in there from what I’ve been told. That’s not where I was. I was at ice level. I was shivering, drinking burnt coffee, and standing in the place where my dad used to roll his eyes at me from…right in the corner on the glass. That’s where I belong. Grinding and also because I’m not invited to be with the press types. I don’t belong there though tbh. I’m a hockey guy. Anyways, here is what jumped out to me from the corner.

Brent Seabrook Is Skinny– Reports of his fitness are true. #7 looked down right spry on the ice. Lots of energy. I don’t know if the scrimmage was supposed to be no-contact, but if it was then Brent Seabrook is the only one who didn’t get the memo. He was the most physically engaged player on the ice and that’s a good thing to see from one of your veteran captains who definitely has something to prove. His body may not be heavy anymore, but his game was today.

Adam Boqvist Is a PROJECT– It’s only one scrimmage and its Sept 17, but boy did Boqvist ever looked lost out there today. Obviously a tremendous skater, but didn’t use that skill effectively. Seemed unsure of where to go with and without the puck. Nobody expected him to make the team this year, obviously, but given his stature and the need for a lot mental development I have a hard time projecting him to make the team even as early as 2019-20. Probably a guy who sees real NHL time in 2021.

I Have A Hockey Crush On Nick Beaudin– Beaudin is my kinda player. He knows how to create offense and isn’t shy about when to jump in the play. Lots of guys are capable of picking their spots in transition. Beaudin has a good enough brain and feel for the play that he picks great spots to jump in the attack while his team has established possesion in the offensive zone. When the Blackhawks were at their best in the glory days their Dmen were engaged. It became a 5 man tornado of a cycle. Beaudin has the ability to play that style and make the defense nervous. He takes GOOD chances. Beaudin had one nice little combination with Kane that was a give-and-go of sorts. Beaudin really just knows how to put himself in good places. I was impressed. I think he will make the NHL before Boqvist.

Eddie Olczyk Also Looked Good– Extremely handsome and looking healthy. It was good to see. Love Edzo. Ready to have him back for a full season. Maybe he will be a guest on Redline Radio…**eyes emoji**

Brandon Saad Is A Runaway Train– Brandon Saad had a few WOW moments today. I don’t think he registered a point, but when he turns on the jets…good luck stopping him. He’s just a physically impressive player. He skated with Kane and Schmaltz again today. I don’t love that line because I think its putting all of your best offensive eggs in one basket, but it could be a dangerous line.

I would really like Saad to play with a little more fire and bite. Like I’ve said many times before he’s a perfect looking hockey player, but he’s got a bit of Stepford Wife syndrom. Looks amazing, but it feels too robotic. Like he was given a lobotamy at some point. Saad needs to play with a little more nastiness and energy. Have some of that TJ Oshie or Peter Forsberg bite. Those guys are mean and dangerous. When their switch was on the other team is in trouble. Saad is built thick like them, but nobody fears him. His switch is sometimes flipped to “on”, but nobody is home. Maybe this role will help him bring consistent energy.

Dominick Kahun Has NHL Feet and Hands– The jump from the Bundesliga or whatever they call the German league to the NHL is a HUGE jump, but it wouldn’t shock me if Kahun made the team. The bottom 6(or even the Toews line) could use some more skill. He has bunches of that. He doesn’t have the high-end speed of Hinostroza(not many guys do), but his size and skill remind him of Vinnie a bit. Maybe that’s why Stan felt he was expendible. I don’t know, way too early have an opinion of Kahun, but he looked good in spurts today.

Overall, it was just good to watch Blackhawks hockey today. Even if it was just some scrimmage. The guys played with some pace and the game felt competitive. It was often best against best. Toews line vs Kane line. And when you watch them line up, you start to feel okay about this team again. The core 4 looked good. If Keith, Toews, Kane, and Seabrook are able to return to form a bit and Crawford can play 45-50 regular season games then this team should be right back in the mix for the playoffs.