There's a Special Place in Hell For People Who Abandoned Their Dogs During Hurricane Florence And Kept Them Locked Up

First of all, thoughts and prayers to everyone dealing with Hurricane Florence. The flooding looks horrible and already over a dozen people have lost their lives. The horrible stories and videos are tough to watch as the waters continue rise. Some sort of terrible trend I’ve seen over the weekend are dogs being left behind by their owners. How in your right mind could you possibly do such a thing? Just abandoning your dog while you flee to safer area? Where is the logic behind that? There is always room for your dog. ALWAYS. Everyday when I leave for work my dog just sits at the base of my bed waiting for me, and that alone makes me feel guilty. Every time I’m gone for the weekend I feel horrible because I know he’s just waiting for me to come back home and give him a belly rub. I’d rather die than abandon him while I flee for safety. I couldn’t imagine leaving him locked up in a fucking kennel as flood waters continue to rise. God bless this hero for hearing the dogs’ cries for help and getting over there in time to save them.

I hope nothing but the absolute worst for people that left their dogs behind like this. At the very least, if you cannot take them with you for some reason, let them loose so they can give themselves a chance of surviving. Don’t keep them caged so they can just drown. Jesus Christ. There’s a special place in hell for these people. Marcus DiPaola you’re the man.