Iggy Azalea Says Eminem's Diss Has "Lazy Bars" Which Means She Forgot About The Time She Rapped Pure Gibberish

So Iggy Azalea just tweeted that out after Eminem dropped ‘KILLSHOT’ responding to Machine Gun Kelly. Iggy has been catching ricochet shots this whole time and I guess she had finally had enough. So she said that Em’s diss was weak because it has celebrity name drops and lazy bars. Lazy bars! Iggy said that! Iggy Azalea said Eminem has lazy bars!

Which means she completely forgot about the time she did this

Pure. Gibberish.

Listen I just wrote a blog about how I didn’t love KILLSHOT but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna sit here and let Iggy fucking Azaela shit on Eminem for “lazy bars” Iggy Azalea suuuuuuuuuuucks. Iggy Azalea wouldn’t know good bars if she saw them on her home security footage. Iggy Azalea hasn’t had one single good rap verse in her entire career. Not one. Imagine living in a world where Iggy Azalea can tell Marshall Mathers he has lazy bars. Well you don’t have to imagine that world because we’re living in it and it’s hell. Like I said, I didn’t love KILLSHOT but it’s head, shoulders and Iggy’s ass above anything she has ever uttered. Just because it wasn’t Eminem’s best diss ever doesn’t mean we can let anybody and everybody pile on him. Let’s not lose perspective here. Everybody just take a deep breath and remember that Iggy Azalea sucks at rapping and Eminem does not.