Wine Mag Tells Weed Mag To Cork It For Copycatting

New weed mag Weed Spectator has Wine Spectator seeing… reds? No? Apparently naming your publication closely after another & then copying its font styles, layouts & premises is frowned upon. According to Reuters:

M. Shanken Communications Inc, the publisher of Wine Spectator magazine, has filed a lawsuit accusing the northern California-based operators of Weed Spectator of infringing its trademarks, and copying its familiar 100-point rating scale for wine to rate cannabis.

I looked at both of their websites & besides the name nothing stood out as being similar in style. And yes, both score their product of choice on the same scale, but a zillion other places do the same. Worth noting, Wine Spectator isn’t just coming after Weed Spectator (they also have a thing against Sharla).

But hey, don’t worry about rating wine or weed. The only thing that matters is pizza, and we’re happy if you use our system… we’ve even got an app for that.