Ladies And Gentlemen - Your First Look At Brie Larson As Captain Marvel

Last night, in the midst of an unplanned four-hour nap I took, Brie Larson and Entertainment Weekly shared the above Twitter exchange with one another, very obviously teasing our first look at Larson as Captain Marvel, and the second I woke up…it moved. Not because Brie Larson easily finds her way into my top ten biggest crushes on earth list…but because when shit hit the fan on April 27th, Nick Fury had one person he turned to. In his final moments of life, god bless his soul, he recovered a pager from his bag and made a call. A call for help.

…and if that call was made with hope in mind, the person on the receiving end must be one baaaaaaad motherfucker.

Well, folks, here she is…




If you don’t think she’s wieldin’ her own Infinity Gauntlet and beating the ever living fuck out of Thanos with it, you got another thing comin’, bub.

Thanos, you better pack two lunches you big purple bitch. See you on May 3rd.