Seeing Aaron Judge Grab a Bat Yesterday Gave Me New Life

Since Aaron Judge was hit on the wrist by Jakob Junis, life has not been the same. The Yankees were 65-36 after that win against the Royals and trailed the first place Boston Red Sox by 4.5 games (3 in the loss). Since that point the Yanks gone 21-16 and are now 8.5 back of first, essentially ending the AL East race with a month to go. The offense has been very inconsistent without number 99 in at the two hole and his return is desperately needed. Judge takes this offense to another level, as the team scores about a run and a half more with him in there.

It’s sure nice that Gary Sanchez is back and Didi is about to be back, and Gleyber has returned to form, but the fact of the matter is that the New York Yankees will not do a single thing in the postseason without number 99. Since the injury we’ve had weeks of no good news. The three week timetable that was originally given was a big error. We’re past the five week point, and up until yesterday the outlook was very bleak about a return at all.

Finally, we got that Meredith Marakovits picture that made everyone’s day: Aaron Judge with a bat in his hand. If you could have told me the Yankees had to lose that game to the A’s in order to get Judge swinging a bat then I would sign up for it 100 times out of 100.

Easily the most encouraging day we’ve had in terms of Judge news. After taking those swings with zero pain and only general soreness, you would think that allows him to ramp up his tee work and soon enough move on to live pitching. The Scranton team did make the playoffs in AAA, so it will depend on if they can stay alive in the playoffs long enough for him to get in a game or two in the coming weeks. If Judge can return by around the home Red Sox series on the 18th then I’ll feel good about it. He’s going to need some games to get any kind of rhythm going into October. Up until yesterday that didn’t seem possible, but now it is.

Come back into my life my son.