The Asia Argento Sex Scandal Just Got a Whole Lot Worse

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Last week Francis wrote about Asia Argento – actress, judge on X-Factor Italy, girlfriend to the late Anthony Bourdain, Harvey Weinstein victim and leading voice of #MeToo – who is accused of having sex a 17-year-old actor who played her son on some show you’ve never watched and paying him off to keep quiet about it. Given that Asia stood on stage at Cannes this year, pointed her finger and said “Sitting among you, there are those who still have to be held accountable for their conduct against women. … We know who you are,” while boning an underage kid and paying him $380,000 hush money, it would be natural to assume this story has achieved Creep Level: Maximum.

But you’d be wrong. Very, very wrong. Sex with a kid she talked about like he was her own son appears to just be sea level of the Asia Argento Sex Scandal ocean. And this thing goes deeper than the Marianas Trench:

SourceRose McGowan released an explosive statement Monday afternoon, detailing what she allegedly knew about her friend Asia Argento’s sex abuse scandal. … In the statement, McGowan, who is distancing herself from her fellow feminist friend, claims she had recently learned about Argento’s relationship with Bennett from her romantic partner, Rain Dove.

‘I received a phone call and series of messages from the being I’ve been dating – Rain Dove. They said that they had been texting with Asia and that Asia had revealed that she had indeed slept with Jimmy Bennett.

‘Rain also shared that Asia had stated that she’d been receiving unsolicited nudes of Jimmy since he had been 12. Asia mentioned in these texts that she didn’t take any action on those images. …

‘No reporting to authorities, to the parents, or blocking of Jimmy’s social media. Not even a simple message “Don’t send me these images. They are inappropriate.”

‘There were a few other details revealed as well that I am not at liberty to mention in this statement as investigators do their job.

‘Rain Dove said that they were going to go to the police with these texts once we were done speaking no matter what.’

Traditionally, just as a matter of course, I make it my policy not to put all my trust in the word of a being named Rain Dove. But if they have the texts and they have handed them over to police, with Argento admitting she got dickies sent to her by her preteen crush, well that’s about as damning as anything could be. I don’t think the authorities would even need to recover the actual photos, though they probably could.

And even if you don’t want to take Rain Dove’s word for it, Rose McGowan has had my total trust ever since this:


All this just further demonstrates the depths of utter depravity going on in show business. I mean, how sick to you have to be – whether you’re male, female or “they” – to get a nude from a 12-year-old and not immediately sound every alarm, freak out, tell the kid that is a whole holocaust of wrong, and then immediately tell his/her parents their child is engaging is reckless, dangerous behavior? That is some seriously monstrous shit. And given everything else Argento has been doing over the last year or so, the worst kind of hypocrisy imaginable. What a goddamned fraud.