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I Have No Idea How Lamar Odom Is Still Alive

I have no goddamn idea how Lamar Odom is alive. 12 strokes and 6 heart attacks while in a coma? No one should be able to bounce back like that. It makes absolutely no sense.

Now we all know what happened. Odom had a drug overdose that sent him into a coma. Now, we had no idea about all the details, especially the amount of strokes and heart attacks. That’s the shocking part here. I mean sure, most people could say they don’t know how Lamar Odom is alive following a coma. But, the fact that he’s not only alive but still able to communicate clearly and look the same in mind boggling.

I don’t need to get into Odom’s ability to play hoops. We all remember how damn good he was playing on the Lakers and Rhode Island especially. What’s insane though is that he’s trying to play again and go overseas. I mean all credit to him for bouncing back and trying to get back on the court, but goddamn I’m still in shock this man is alive.