NBA Summer Workout SZN: Boogie Cousins Edition

Alright, I guess it’s time to check in with the latest Warrior on his road to recovery. Clem blogged last night the video below of Boogie confirming that he is in fact a long lost Splash Brother

But up until now I hadn’t really seen any actual movement from a guy recovering from a torn achilles. Well, that changed today and while this isn’t anywhere close to NBA game action, it’s certainly something we cannot ignore. We know the Warriors are going to be extra cautious with Boogie’s journey back, mostly because they don’t even really need him. I’ve seen reports that they are targeting a December return, and I’m certainly no doctor but nothing in this video told me that isn’t a legit expectation. It also wouldn’t surprise me if they held him out until the All Star Break just to be absolutely certain he’s 100% healthy. Based on the way he was moving, I think it’s safe to assume Boogie is going to be that same devastating big man we all know and love, and yeah it’s a little terrifying. This upcoming season is big for Boogie as the Warriors legit have no way of keeping him past this season, so the pressure is on to not only perform, but to show you can thrive in an environment that isn’t a complete disaster. We sort of saw that with NO before the injury, but I think we’re all curious to see how Boogie meshes with Draymond and that locker room. What if he feels like he isn’t getting the ball enough? What if his effort isn’t there when it matters most? Am I just trying to convince myself a healthy Boogie doesn’t guarantee a 4-4-4-4 playoffs run? You betcha, but it’s still going to be fascinating to watch how it all unfolds.

As we know, achilles injuries, especially for athletic bigs, usually don’t work out to well for their post injury production. Elton Brand can tell you all about that. But if you’re a Warriors fan and you see this video, I don’t blame you for getting a little excited. I would too.

But seriously fuck the Warriors and their brilliantly run front office for even making this a possibility. Guy is going to be a monster in that system.