A Guy Fell Into A Black Circle On The Floor At An Art Show Cause He Didn't Realize It Was Part Of The Show

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Science Alert- Not everybody ‘gets’ art, but one man’s failure to comprehend the artwork in front of him was so extreme he literally fell through a black void into limbo. A museum visitor scrutinising Anish Kapoor’s Descent Into Limbo at the Serralves Museum in Portugal let curiosity get the better of him when inspecting the ultra-black optical illusion, and unwittingly fell into it. The accident – which makes the artwork’s name seem eerily prescient – happened last Monday, and ultimately required hospital treatment for the 60-year-old Italian tourist who took the fall (but is thankfully okay). It’s not surprising medical attention was needed given what Descent Into Limbo really is. The installation may resemble a flat, 2D black hole painted on the concrete floor of a room, but it’s actually a deep three-dimensional ‘void’ that descends 2.5 metres (over 8 ft) into the ground.

Art continues to be the dumbest thing going. I’m not talking about all art, of course. There’s a lot of art out there that I enjoy. Anything can be art and there’s a lot of good stuff out there. Graffiti? Love graffiti. I see it all over the city and think, “Damn I could never do that but I’m glad there’s people out there who can.” There’s something rebellious about it and it gets my juice flowing. Big graffiti guy. The type of art I hate is gallery art. Everybody who goes to an event like that is the type of person I’ve been avoiding my whole life. People walking around pretending they know anything about the stuff they’re look at. Sipping martinis and just being all-around insufferable.

That gallery shit is so goddamn stupid and this story is a perfect example of that. This dude just tripped and fell right into one of the art exhibits cause nobody told him it was part of the show. That’s a level of pretentious I thought even art galleries couldn’t reach. They gotta at least tell people what is part of the exhibit and what’s not. The dude who made the black circle was probably like, “This is exactly why I made it. You never know when you’re gonna fall into a hole in life” and everyone applauded. Makes me wanna puke all over them.