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A-Rod Needs To Pop The Question To J-Lo After Last Night at the VMAs

I could care less about the VMAs, but I tuned just at the right time to see J-Lo accept some kind of award. She thanked no less than 1,000 people and I was terrified she wasn’t going to get to A-Rod who the camera panned to constantly. When she finally turned her attention to him, I mean man oh man there were tears flying in the air. I did an actual fist pump for A-Rod when he got mentioned. The world’s number one power couple, and I say that with confidence, just taking the stage tonight and dominating. After all of that and J-Lo letting the world know she calls him “my macho” he has to pop the question. You have to. The scene is set. Get on one knee and tie that knot Alex! He could barely contain himself when she was performing and I don’t blame him. He gets to go home to that every night. God Bless.

What a couple. Alex and Jenny forever and ever. Their kid is going to run the planet.