There Are Real Life People Out There That Think The Phrase "Fastball Down the Pipe" is Actually "Down the Pike"

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Here I am minding my own business on this Wednesday afternoon when Smitty approaches my desk and asks if I say “fastball right down the pike.” I was flabbergasted. I was distraught. Who on Earth says such a thing? Coley, Carrabis, Chuck, Kayce, and Trent are on my side in saying “fastball down the pipe.” Pretty much the rest of the office at a minimum says “pike” is a thing and they’ve used it before.

Even Google says “pike” is a thing…

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Please make me feel sane again. I won’t stand for this “pike” tomfoolery. I need justice. So far the poll I posted has “pipe” dominating even though every Twitter poll ever created ends up 50/50.