My Girl Hope Hicks Reemerges On Air Force One And The Rumors Are SWIRLING

She’s back. Out of the damn clouds, my girl boarded Air Force One this weekend. Her name’s been floated a lot in the last month or so as potentially returning to the White House. But then her “friend” said she wouldn’t be back this year, General Kelly committed to remaining chief of staff through 2020, and it appeared she’d go quietly into 2019.

Nope. The Hopester doesn’t go quietly. Like an angel gliding through the heavenly clouds, she appears and ascends onto Air Force One. What a sight for fucked up sore eyes.

What’s she doing back in the game? There are several theories, like this one.

And this one.

And this one.

I’ll add my own guess to the mix.

Trump just wanted a hot chick to talk to and to look at during the trip.

No way to know for sure, but many ways to feel.







Welcome back my love.