Christopher Robin Was Everything I Hoped For And A Little Bit More

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Most of the movies that I see are kids movies. I have two kids so most of my trips to the theatre are with those rapscallions. Occasionally, there’s a movie that catches my eye as I watch shit like Moana, Frozen, or Coco. Before Coco started, the previews played the trailer for Christopher Robin. I knew then and there it was a must watch.

Christopher Robin is sitting on a park bench and he looks rather concerned. Christopher Robin says to himself, “What to do. What to do.” It’s more of a statement than a question. Christopher Robin’s family is away and he stayed home to work. He was going through the internal emotions of being a provider but also wanted to experience the once-in-a-lifetime joy that comes with being a parent of children. Sure, you’re a parent for the rest of your life but you are only the parent of children for so long. How are you going to spend that time? Chasing after money to make their surroundings better or by being with them and finding a little balance along the way? That balance is easier said than done when the bills start rolling over the counter like a biscuit covered in a little bit too much honey.

Balance is a common difficulty amongst parents. There’s no question about that.

Meanwhile, Winnie the Pooh was, unbeknownst to Christopher Robin, sitting on the bench right behind Christopher. He says simply,

Now, throughout the movie, Pooh describes himself as a bear with very little brain. I disagree with that. I believe that Pooh is a master of logic and understanding. Pooh knows that living is in the here and now. Sometimes, it’s even a little in the hear and now. You’ve got to pay attention to your surroundings and the moment that you are in. That’s why our beloved Pooh bear played a game called, “Say What You See.” Although simple, if you are paying attention to your surroundings, you can observe things that normally pass you by completely unnoticed like the light winds of life blowing your new favorite red balloon. Life is full of things to see and Pooh explains that to Christopher in an adorable way. Winnie plays “Say What You See” while Christopher and he are on a train ride heading back to London for an important meeting. Whilst gazing out of the window, Winnie says,

Grass. House. Trees. Christopher Robin. It appears as though Pooh has designed his game to show Christopher Robin where he’s come from, where he is, and where he should be going.

Grass. When Christopher Robin was a young fella, he ventured out to play with Winnie and the whole squad. While they were there, he participated in many adventures both grand and small. In order for an adventure to be grand, it must start small and grow. Christopher Robin started that way. While growing into an adult, Christopher Robin forgot about all the small things that made life grand.

House. While forgetting about the grass and focusing on business, Christopher Robin bought a large house in the middle of London. This meant that Christopher Robin’s business life was a success. In one scene in the movie, Winnie the Pooh went searching for honey as he’s been known to do a time or two. One misstep led to the entire cabinetry in the kitchen to tumble down. I believe Winnie used this as a teaching point. No matter how much money and time you spend on your house, it can all come crashing down in an instant. Don’t invest in houses; invest in people and Pooh bears.

Trees. The site of much of Christopher Robins fondest memories. If he left his big house in the city and made time for adventures, maybe he would be a little happier. Earlier in the movie, Christopher’s wife mentioned that she hadn’t seen him laugh in years. Sad. Very sad. Yet another reminder that we must live life in the moment. When Christopher follows Winnie the Pooh through the tree, he nearly immediately begins to play a game. A wide-set smile takes over his face and for just a moment, life returns to his eyes like Winnie the Pooh’s do when he sees a fresh jar of honey while he’s experiencing a rumbly in his tummy.

I dont wanna give away too much of the movie because it’s worth seeing. The laughs were pure. The lessons were poignant. The tale was a new classic. That chubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff has done it again. He’s Winnie the Pooh, folks. Dont you forget it. I know I wont.

Overall rating: 4.9 Balls