Tiger "Me And My Back Are Back" Woods Drains A 50-foot Bomb To Finish Front Nine In 3-under Par

It’s not just that he made a 50-footer for birdie, it’s how he eventually made the 50-footer for birdie. Tiger yanked his drive left into some thick rough between giant trees. Now this may seem concerning to you but it is not to me. Tiger’s never driven the ball particularly straight, but in his heyday he could spray it miles left or right and still post good scores. Tiger yanked it left then muscled a low hook onto the front fringe and from there, dropped a bomb for birdie.

From a 1-under 34 to a 3-under 32 just like that. New school Tiger doing old school Tiger things. Love to see it.

PS — Every time he swings that hard, my heart falls into my stomach until I receive confirmation that his spinal chord is still in one piece. Fortunately it is. Onward and upward and upright (for now).