This New Phil Mickelson Commercial Is Full Of Dadtastic Dance Moves

Oh hell yeah. Groovy as fuck. Embrace it, Phil. Embrace it. Embrace being the goofy dad on the PGA Tour. He already does embrace being the goofy dad on tour but that commercial takes it to a whole new level. Dadtastic dance moves all over the joint. They might as well call that commercial Phil Mickelson At Every Wedding He’s Ever Been To. Lefty for sure rips up every reception dance floor with those exact moves. The worm is his closer for sure. The crowd goes wild when Phil breaks out the worm. No doubt about it. I gotta be honest, I was very uncomfortable when the commercial first started but by the end of it I was having a good ol’ time. I hope Phil breaks out those dance moves on the course when he sinks a big putt. Make all the ladies swoon.

The folks over at Mizzen and Main wanted to make waves with their first TV commercial and oh boy are they gonna make waves. That’s really all you can ask for as a company. You can either be super boring and conservative and no one pays attention or you can have Phil Mickelson dancing up a storm and dodging golf balls and have people go nuts. Mizzen and Main chose the latter. Smart move.