Saudi Arabia Has Had It So Up To Here With Qatar That They're Digging a Giant Canal Around The Country And Making It An Island

Bloomberg News

Saudi Arabia is moving forward with a plan to dig a canal that would physically enshrine its yearlong rift with Qatar by turning the emirate from a peninsula bordering the kingdom into an island, Saudi media reported on Tuesday.

Five international companies that specialize in digging canals have been invited to vie for the project, with bids closing on Monday and the winner to be chosen within 90 days, Makkah newspaper reported, citing unidentified people familiar with the matter. The canal should be completed within one year of work starting, it said. The report was also carried by Saudi-owned news channel Al Arabiya and shared on Twitter by Saudi royal court adviser Saud Al Qahtani.

The project, if it is carried out, would geographically extend Qatar’s isolation from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt after they cut trade and diplomatic ties with the emirate last year. The allies accused Qatar of supporting terrorism and meddling in their affairs, charges it denies.

What a big time power move by Saudi. Oh you cut ties with the emirate last year? Well you know what, we’re literally pushing you into the water so you can’t be near us anymore. It’s Bugs Bunny cutting off Florida in real life and I love every second of it. I always like to imagine a bunch of smart people sitting at a big board room table in suits and ties discussing how to deal with Qatar. The most rational and reasonable idea they came to agreement on was to literally separate it from touching their land.

The best part of the story is the true spite involved with what to do with part of the canal.

Part of the canal zone would be set aside for a planned nuclear waste facility, Al Riyadh newspaper reported, and Sabq online newspaper said the canal project could cost up to 2.8 billion riyals ($750 million).

They’re going to dump nuclear waste in there. Incredible. Imagine if we just did this to Florida? Yeah all your crazy old people driving on the highway and doing crystal meth? Yeah we’re just going give ourselves some distance and push you towards Cuba. Don’t let the Don see this idea or he’s going to dig a giant canal across the Mexican border so no one can sneak over.

I also am learning people pronounce Qatar as (cutter) and not (Ka-tar). It’s like pronouncing Jaguars (Jag-why-ars) instead of (Jag-whars). I don’t think I’ll change to cutter ever.