Woman At Bar Gets Men To Buy Book She Wrote Instead Of Drinks

Hannah Orenstein, Matchmaker & dating editor over at Elite Daily, says she got guys to buy her book on Amazon whilst at the bar. The tweet has 80K ‘likes’ & the link to said book right under it.

Though I respect the marketing hustle and have never written a book myself, I’ve been on a big Pina Colada (+ xtra rum shot) kick lately, and damnit, they’re expensive. Bought a round of them for my cousins this weekend & will no longer be able to afford general bodily waxing through the end of next month.

So I’m going to have to say – even if I wrote a book – I’d still be readily accepting free booze without a thought of any other option. Which totally happens to me all the time already anyways.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have more important things to attend to.

::goes to bar across from office, spends rest of evening convincing dudez to subscribe to my blogs::