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Orca Exacts Revenge For Steve Irwin In Mexico

If you listen closely you can hear “That was for Steve bitch!” as the Orca swims away. I hope this dude has a wetsuit sponsor because there is NO CHANCE his is still usable after the soiling it endured. Seeing Orcas in the wild while you’re in the water is one of the rarest wildlife experiences possible and to see them pulverize the life of a Stingray 5 feet in front of your eyes has to be one of the biggest rushes a nature-loving human can possibly experience. Orcas are so goddamn smart. Last year I blogged a story of them shaking down Alaskan fisherman for their catch like mobsters, which is not something most animals could put together. One of the smartest organisms on Earth that isn’t a human being and there’s a good chance they didn’t even eat this Stingray, but rather just were bored and wanted something to do. Like a 6 foot bully in middle school just shoving someone in a trash can on the way to class because he can. The sound it makes when the tail connects sounded like the home run derby. Moving that much mass underwater with such force makes you realize the level of strength and muscle involved. Shoutout to Jorge Cervera Hauser for staying in the cockpit and getting this shot without flinching while a whale bomb went off in front of his eyes. How does a Stool Scenes shot of Dave standing in our office shake 10x more than a stingray murder shot floating underwater in the open ocean. Yikes.

As for the actual threat level, Orcas generally don’t attack humans in the wild and there are zero recorded fatal attacks, but anything that big and smart is scary as SHIT to be in the water with. If not for being eaten but for the sole fact that one tail slap like seen above would cripple even the strongest UFC fighter in an instant. Some of the biggest Orcas can be 32 feet long and up to 22,000 lbs! A school bus with a brain.

On a serious note, there are never enough times to remember that Steve Irwin was such a one-of-a-kind legend. One of the most genuine stars of our life time and a huge loss to anyone even casually interested in the animal kingdom.