Introducing Madison….Stella’s Big Sister

Introducing Madison Portnoy






So I don’t think I’ve formally introduced Madison before. This is Stella’s big sister. That’s right Renee adopted Madison in April of last year. Her owner had passed away and she had no home to go to. To say that Madison is a great dog would be an understatement. It’s almost like she knows what happened and that Renee saved her life. It also doesn’t hurt she gets to summer in Nantucket and winter in Florida. Anyway there are lots of old dogs like Madison who need homes for whatever reason. Everybody always wants puppies and cute dogs so it’s hard for good girls like Madison to find a home. But they are the best. It’s almost like they understand the situation. They understand life. They just want somebody to love them and give all that love back. We’ve had such a great experience with Madison that I wanted to tell people about this event tomorrow in NYC. If you’re looking to save a dog’s life and change yout life I highly suggest checking this out. It will be the best decision you could ever make.