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I've Never Hated Anyone More Than These Two High School Dudes Who Argued Their Way Out Of A Suspension Using "Gender Rules"

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Source - It’s no secret that high schoolers are often pushing the boundaries of their school’s rules when it comes to pulling pranks, skipping classes, and even dressing in a way that challenges dress codes. For these two senior boys, however, testing the limits of their dress code might not have been their intention when they showed up to school wearing dresses. 

Chris Swkyert, 17, and Rodney Dimasso, 18, both attend the public high school in Melissa, Texas, where they decided to wear dresses one day during their last month of classes. And although they thought that it was a pretty innocent act, it ended up landing them two days worth of in-school suspension.

“I just wore the dress because I wanted to,” Dimasso tells Yahoo Lifestyle of the black sleeveless dress he wore. “I was walking down the hallway and the principal told me to follow him. When I went into his office, he was asking me why I wore the dress, and I told him because I wanted to. He said it’s a distraction and told me I am going to have two days of in-school suspension.”

While in the principal’s office, the student attempted to argue his way out of the punishment, by pointing out that his wardrobe wasn’t actually breaking any of the school’s rules. In fact, the school’s dress code specifies that “Shorts and skirts must be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee on any side.” Dimasso ensures that his dress met that standard, and he was even wearing shorts underneath.

The school’s dress code is not gender-specific, reading, “Students and parents/guardians may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following.” However, with this latest incident, students can’t help but question the school’s issue with the boys wearing dresses, and whether it was sexist or not.

Fuck these kids. Chris and Rodney are the exact reason why people make a big stink about anything when it comes to gender.  When stories like this come out it’s like pouring gasoline to the one-gender-fits-all debate.  Part of me commends them for it. They clearly researched the rule book and found a loophole that works. And yeah, I know they’re still suspended, but not for long. They’ll get their parents involved and play the semantic game until the school eventually caves. I guarantee it. That’s how kids in operate 2018 operate; they bitch until they get their way. God forbid anyone gets held accountable. Now I’m sounding like Grandpa Simpson.

Who knows, I could be wrong. This could be them scratching an itch that they’ve had for a longggg time. What an asshole I’d sound like then. It not that far fetched. It’d be one thing if he threw on something slutty to get a reaction but he didn’t. He clearly put some thought into his outfit.

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The pose could use some work though. Maybe stick a leg out, twist to the side a little bit, cock the head. We’ll work on it.

The most infuriating part about this story for me is the fact that these kids are complaining about getting suspended from school. Shut up and enjoy it. Back when I was young and im-ma-ture I was suspended from school (not for wearing a dress) and it was the greatest. A ten-day vacation all because I decided to have a cocktail before a basketball game. It was the greatest. A truly enjoyable experience. Regardless, hopefully this is a learning experience for all parties involved. And hopefully his frumpy friend works on his walk. Tyra would be ashamed.