It Turns Out the Report About Peyton Manning's HGH Use WAS Confirmed. By Peyton Manning's Lawyers

SourceIn bombshell court papers unsealed in a defamation lawsuit against Al Jazeera America, the defunct cable news network says football legend Peyton Manning “confirmed” much of the doping allegations made against him by its primary source. …

The report cited the word of Charlie Sly, who the network indicated was a pharmacist who had worked at the Guyer Institute in Indianapolis. After Al Jazeera’s story came out and made a splash by dropping the names of big-name athletes like Manning, Dr. Dale Guyer denied that Sly was ever an employee. Sly also recanted his story. …

According to memorandums from Al Jazeera, Davies contacted Manning’s CAA agent Tom Condon before the documentary aired to get comment on something that Sly had been recorded saying. Specifically, Sly stated, “I did part of my training at the Guyer Institute which is like this anti-aging clinic in Indiana. [Peyton Manning] and his wife would come in after hours and get IVs and shit. … “

Nine days after Condon was contacted in December 2015, the prominent Gibson Dunn attorney Ted Olson called Robert Corn-Revere of DWT, the firm providing outside counsel to Al Jazeera.

“In their communications with DWT, the Mannings’ lawyers confirmed much of what Sly had said,” states unsealed court papers. …

“Sly created a short, homemade video in which he recanted every word he had ever said to Al Jazeera’s undercover reporter,” states Al Jazeera’s court brief. “Sly’s recantation rang hollow. As explained in Defendants’ Motion to Compel against Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Sly’s last-minute denials followed a visit to his family’s home by investigators hired by lawyers for National Football League player Peyton Manning … which prompted Sly’s sister to call 911. On the video, Sly appeared to be reading a statement that was prepared for him while sweating profusely. … On top of that, the Mannings (through counsel) had already corroborated Sly’s most explosive claims, making his denials all the less believable.”

But… Al Jazeera is lying, they said. Charlie Sly made it all up, they said. Peyton Manning says he’s innocent and that’s good enough for me. There’s no one to corroborate Sly’s story. It’s Sly’s word against Peyton’s, and who are you gonna believe? Besides, Charlie Sly took it all back, they said.

Yeah, well what are you saying now? Now that we’ve got court documents, submitted under the pains and penalties of perjury by sworn officers of the court who could be disbarred if they knowingly filed false statements in affidavits. Now those few of us that don’t have our heads so far up Peyton Manning’s ass that we can catch his undigested Papa John’s have confirmation of everything we believed to be true. He was going to the Guyer Institute for HGH and hiding behind his wife’s skirt to protect his reputation. And when he got outed, by Sly, he sent hired goons over to the guy’s parents’ house to scare the shit out of him so he’d change his story.

As for the rest of you, all you gears and cogs in the Manning Apology Machine, you no longer have to take our word for it. It’s confirmed by his own lawyers. That is, before the PR people working for America’s Sweetheart got out ahead of the story and spun it like he was the victim. And before all the fawning media sycophants dropped to their knees and swallowed his … story. Whole. Every last drop of his impossible to believe story that a 37-year-old coming off having surgery to fuse vertebrae in his neck somehow set single season passing records for touchdowns, total yards and yards per game leading the most prolific scoring offense in history.

And of course we can add that bastion of integrity, that multi-trillion organization that will leave no stone unturned to uncover the facts, no matter what it costs, where those fact lead, or how painful the truth may be:

I remind you again, I don’t care a rat’s taint about PEDs. Use them. Don’t use them. Get caught. Don’t get caught. I don’t judge and I don’t care how many users get in the Hall of Fame in any sport. Put them all in and I’ll sleep like a (drunken) baby every night. What I do care about are two things: Truth and fairness.

If you want to believe the Manning family’s cover story, that’s on you. But you’re not entitled to your own facts. Nor are you entitled to say Quarterback A says he’s innocent and that’s good enough for me, then turn around and say Quarterback B says he’s innocent but he must be lying and making poor Mark Brunell cry and let’s punish and humiliate him and ruin his reputation for life. You’re simply not. Especially when we’ve got actual proof of QB A’s guilt and zero proof against QB B. Personally, I’m choosing to believe Peyton Manning’s own lawyers on this one.